10:00 am10:00

Waitangi Day 2025

  • Te Herenga Waka o Orewa marae (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This Waitangi Day join us to honour Te Tiriti.
* Treaty Workshop – Deepen your understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi with Coast Action Collective
* Rongoā Workshop – Discover the wisdom of traditional Māori medicine with Tricia Curtis from Naturally by Trisha
* Mahi Toi – Get creative with arts and crafts with the Estuary Arts Centre
* Lawn Games and Activities
* Great Kai!
Workshops will run multiple times throughout the day to ensure everyone has the chance to participate and learn.
Come along, bring your whānau and celebrate Te Tiriti o Waitangi with us.

Waitangi Day 2025 FB Event

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6:00 am06:00

Matariki Ahunga Nui 2024

Details coming soon…

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Waitangi Day 2024
10:00 am10:00

Waitangi Day 2024

  • Te Herenga Waka o Orewa marae (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Kia ora e te whānau,

We are excited to extend you all a warm invitation to join us for a day of celebration and unity this coming Waitangi Day.

Highlights of the day​ will include music from The Acetones, kai, a treaty workshop, craft activities, a petting zoo, pony rides, a bouncy castle and Jiggles the clown.

This event is a fantastic opportunity for our community to come together, celebrate our shared heritage, and foster connections. Waitangi Day holds great significance, and we believe that celebrating it as a whānau will strengthen the bonds that make our community special.

We encourage you to spread the word and bring your friends and whānau along.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require further information. We look forward to seeing you on the 6th of February for a day full of fun and community spirit.

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Matariki Ahunga Nui 2023
6:00 am06:00

Matariki Ahunga Nui 2023

Join us for a special event commemorating the Māori new year and honoring the memory of our departed loved ones. This gathering will provide a dedicated moment for reflection and rememberance, where we will collectively name and pay tribute to those who have left us throughout the year. Should you desire, we warmly encourage you to bring a cherished photograph of your departed loved one to accompany you.

We will also share karakia and waiata on the morning. Dress warmly and bring an umbrella just in case. There will be kai and hot drinks available.

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9:30 am09:30

Orewa Community Discussion on Co-Governance

A moderated community discussion on co-governance is being held on the hibiscus coast so that members of the public have an opportunity to learn about, ask about and discuss how co-governance will look at a national and local scale.

This event is organised by 4 members of the community with varying viewpoints, in partnership with Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae who are offering their space as a venue, a welcoming and kai for attendees.

This event will include a pōhiri/welcoming to the marae, a Q&A section where members of the public can ask questions to panellists, followed by an open but moderated discussion and conclude with a lunch provided by the marae. Panelists are yet to be confirmed but we are hoping to have between 3-5 panelists with varying viewpoints who bring a range of experience and expertise on the subject.

Please bring a koha in the form of a gold coin or food.


0930 Start - Pōhiri, welcoming

1000 - Hakawhānaungatanga - Introductions/connection building

1030 - Hakanoa, kai, food to break/end the tapu state of the welcoming

1100 - Introduction of the panellists. Q&A Section.

1200 - Open discussion.

1300 - Lunch & farewell

*Please note*

- This event is free and open to any member of the community, however attendees will be asked to show their Eventbrite tickets for confirmation as this is a ticketed and private event. Latecomers with tickets will be welcomed with a karanga if necessary.

- Questions will be redirected if they are off topic. Speakers will have a maximin of 2 minutes to deliver any questions or comments. Each panellist will be given the opportunity to answer every question also with a time limit of 2 minutes which will be moderated by a timekeeper.

- The Q&A and open discussion portion of this event will be filmed so that anyone can learn from this event as we do have a 55person limit for this venue.

- Anonymity will be prioritised and accommodated where possible, questions can be written down and read out by MC and seating will be arranged so that the recording does not show faces. Attendees are not allowed to film inside.

-Behaviour appropriate to the Marae environment is expected from all participants. Any discriminatory, disrespectful, or slandering talk of any kind towards any person or group will not be tolerated.

The purpose of this event is to have a space created by our community, for our community to have a constructive, educational and open discussion about co-governance. We sincerely hope that people walk away from this event feeling more informed and empowered. Panellists will be announced on the Facebook event page as they are confirmed. Any questions, please message one of the admins on the event Facebook page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Updates will be posted on the Facebook event page.

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Matariki  2022
6:00 am06:00

Matariki 2022

  • Orewa Beach (In front of Surf Lifesaving Club) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae is inviting the Hibiscus Coast community to a Hakawātea (cleansing ceremony) at Orewa beach (in front of the surf club) on the first Matariki public holiday Friday 24th Pipiri (June) at 6am.
As well as celebrating Matariki being recognised as a public holiday, this ceremony is to mark the end of covid restrictions, to clear away the burdens we shouldered during the pandemic and bring us together again as a community. We welcome everyone in our community: whānau, school groups, church groups, community groups and our local businesses to gather for karakia and waiata on the beach to see in the Māori new year.

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Waitangi Day 2020
11:00 am11:00

Waitangi Day 2020

  • 2a Blue Gum Avenue Silverdale, Auckland, 0932 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and celebrate Waitangi day at Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae.

There will be lots of fun activities for the tamariki, live music and kai available to purchase.

A perfect opportunity to celebrate on the coast.

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Pi Mahi - Working Bee
9:00 am09:00

Pi Mahi - Working Bee

This Pī Mahi working bee day we are working on the ngahere rongoā (medicinal forest) and ngākina (gardens) maintenance and development. The mahi generally includes removal of weeds, planting, moving mulch, lifting and digging.  It is physical and dirty labour so you need to come dressed in long pants, solid boots and sun or rain protection.  Ideally you'll be able to bring your own gloves and some gardening equipment too!

Please bring any appropriate equipment that will help us to complete our task faster and please bring a plate for shared kai. Let us know via email if you'd like to join us so we can have an idea of numbers to plan the jobs - kiaora@teherengawakaoorewa.co.nz . You don't need to stay for the whole day, any help would be wonderful.

Please feel free to pass on the pānui.

Nāu mai haramai.

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Pi Mahi - Working Bee
9:00 am09:00

Pi Mahi - Working Bee

This Pī Mahi working bee day we are working on the ngahere rongoā (medicinal forest) and ngākina (gardens) maintenance and development. The mahi generally includes removal of weeds, planting, moving mulch, lifting and digging.  It is physical and dirty labour so you need to come dressed in long pants, solid boots and sun or rain protection.  Ideally you'll be able to bring your own gloves and some gardening equipment too!

Please bring any appropriate equipment that will help us to complete our task faster and please bring a plate for shared kai. Let us know via email if you'd like to join us so we can have an idea of numbers to plan the jobs - kiaora@teherengawakaoorewa.co.nz . You don't need to stay for the whole day, any help would be wonderful.

Please feel free to pass on the pānui.

Nāu mai haramai.

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Hui 'Auckland's Future is in Your Hands'
6:00 pm18:00

Hui 'Auckland's Future is in Your Hands'

Whānau, all are welcome (and encouraged!) to join the hui at the marae on Monday. We have some big decisions to make that will affect our area from transport to the environment.

Join the kōrero from 6.00pm to 9.30pm at 2a Blue Gum Avenue, Silverdale. There will be a pōwhiri and supper provided.

Please note that we have plenty of parking, with disability parking and wheel chair access available too. Hei te Rāhina!

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Weiti Festival
10:00 am10:00

Weiti Festival

  • Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We've partnered with the Kaipatiki Project and the Hibiscus And Bays Local Board to bring you the Weiti Festival! This event celebrates the opening of the Marae and brings together culture, family fun, learning, music, creativity, nature and sustainable living - all in a festival atmosphere in the beautiful surroundings of Te Herenga Waka O Orewa Marae. Join us!

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9:00 am09:00

Pī Mahi - Working Bee

This Pī Mahi working bee day we are working on the ngahere rongoā (medicinal forest) and ngākina (gardens) maintenance and development. The mahi generally includes removal of weeds, planting, moving mulch, lifting and digging.  It is physical and dirty labour so you need to come dressed in long pants, solid boots and sun or rain protection.  Ideally you'll be able to bring your own gloves and some gardening equipment too!

Please bring any appropriate equipment that will help us to complete our task faster and please bring a plate for shared kai. Let us know via email if you'd like to join us so we can have an idea of numbers to plan the jobs - teherengawaka@xtra.co.nz . You don't need to stay for the whole day, any help would be wonderful.

Please feel free to pass on the pānui.

Nāu mai haramai.

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1:00 am01:00

Pi Mahi - Working Bee

This Pī Mahi working bee day we are working on the ngahere rongoā (medicinal forest) and ngākina (gardens) maintenance and development. The mahi generally includes removal of weeds, planting, moving mulch, lifting and digging.  It is physical and dirty labour so you need to come dressed in long pants, solid boots and sun or rain protection.  Ideally you'll be able to bring your own gloves and some gardening equipment too!

Please bring any appropriate equipment that will help us to complete our task faster and please bring a plate for shared kai. Let us know via email if you'd like to join us so we can have an idea of numbers to plan the jobs - teherengawaka@xtra.co.nz . You don't need to stay for the whole day, any help would be wonderful.

Please feel free to pass on the pānui.

Nāu mai haramai.

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9:00 am09:00

Pī Mahi - Working Bee

We are spring cleaning the marae before the blessing of the Wharenui. The naming and formal opening is on the 19th.

Lots of cleaning inside and outside, lawns, landscaping. Please bring any appropriate equipment that will help us to complete our task faster. Please bring a plate for shared kai. Let us know via email if you'd like to join us so we can have an idea of numbers to plan the jobs.


Please feel free to pass on the pānui.

Nāu mai haramai.

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1:00 pm13:00

Composting & Worm-farming Workshop Two

D.I.Y Composting Workshop (3hrs)

  • Doing it on the cheap – learn how to make a worm-farm from an old bath!
  • Grow things that will reduce your spending budget.
  • Make bokashi compost bins to take home. 

Attend both No 2 and No 3 workshops - get a discount on purchasing a compost bin. 
Presenters: Tori Christie & Rosie Hutchison from The Composting Collective

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9:00 am09:00

Composting & Worm-farming Workshop One

Composting and Worm-farming (3hrs)
Presentation of an overview of different types of composting & worm-farming. Reduce waste, while increasing your garden’s productivity. 
Morning/afternoon tea provided. Bring your lunch if staying for the day, or there are food outlets at Silverdale shops.

Presenter: Tori Christie - The Composting Collective 


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6:30 pm18:30

Fermented food & Rongoa Workshop

Healthy Living – the immune system starts in our gut! (3hrs) 
Learn how to make fermented foods with Tricia Curtis, our resident Rongoā Māori practitioner, Classical Homeopath, and Natural Products Manufacturer.
All cultures use different fermented foods to maintain gut health and we will learn how to make and include these in our daily diet. A hands-on workshop - make a jar of kimchi to take home, and make and taste a batch of kombucha. We will learn how to make some healing teas from our own native plants as well as discuss the benefits of adding fresh culinary herbs/weeds to your meals.

  • Making fermented foods
  • Rongoā to aid digestion (traditional Māori herbs); 
  • Healing herbs from your garden; and the immune system.
  • Bring a medium-size glass jar with lid to take home your own kimchi.

Presenter: Tricia Curtis, Classical Homeopath. 

Places for a limited number.
Contact Sue Heathwaite to book a spot
021-987-223 /09-420-4231

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9:00 am09:00

Pi Mahi - Working Bee

E mara, tēnā koutou katoa. He karanga ringa āwhina tēnei.
Whānau, we are organising a working bee on Saturday 17th 9-2pm.

Tasks are gardening (clearing trees and spreading mulch), mowing, retaining, weed-eating and general cleaning of buildings. If anyone has a trailer that would be great. Bring a plate for shared kai.

Please let us know via email if you can make it so we can have an idea of equipment and numbers to plan the jobs. Email - teherengawaka@xtra.co.nz
Please feel free to pass on the pānui to our whānau whānui.

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9:00 am09:00

Pī Mahi - Working Bee


Whānau, next Saturday we are holding a working bee at the marae. The kitchen, toilets and health clinic will be cleaned top to bottom, inside and outside. Lawns to be mown and weed eaten. The Wharenui will be cleaned inside and all non-construction items relocated. If you have appropriate cleaning aids, mops, mowers, weed eaters, step ladders etc it would be much appreciated on the day. Bring a plate for shared kai!

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